Amira Rasool | CEO, The Folklore

A Message From the CEO

Since 2018, The Folklore has been on a mission to empower overlooked brands, providing a platform for diverse visionaries and fostering a community of support and growth. We've sought out brands with compelling stories, rich culture, those who challenge the status quo and bring something truly unique to the world. In this new phase of our business, we’re passionate about supporting an even wider range of brands, retailers, and service providers than ever before.

Our latest platform and membership expansion furthers our mission. The Folklore 2.0 is designed to give more brands, both established and emerging, the resources they need to learn, connect, sell, and thrive as a community. You’ll find new solutions to streamline your business, foster new connections, and gain the insights you need to reach the next level. In addition, we’re growing our ecosystem of service providers and retailers, ensuring our members have access to more partners they can collaborate with.

As the CEO of The Folklore, I’m often asked what drives us. The answer lies in our core values. We believe that innovation is the key to a better future, for our industry and the community that we have built. This isn’t just about technology; it’s about impact. Our platform and resources are designed to support entrepreneurship, create jobs, increase exports, and connect talent from around the world. 

Just as it’s been since the beginning of our journey, supporting diverse people and marginalized communities remains a core part of who we are and why we exist, this will never change. With events taking place this year in Nairobi, London, Johannesburg, Atlanta, Abidjan, and Accra, we’re still committed to touching and supporting the people and cities that started the journey with us. By fostering a truly inclusive community, we are creating space for unique perspectives and solutions that transform the industry as we know it. We’re not just connecting brands and retailers, or brands and service providers, we’re building a more equitable, sustainable, and exciting industry.

Our day one vision motivates us every day. It’s reflected in the technology we’ve worked so hard to develop, the partnerships we continue to forge, and the community we nurture. With all this at the heart of what we do, I invite you to join our movement to learn, connect, sell and thrive as a community.


Amira Rasool,
CEO and Founder, The Folklore

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