The premier membership community for independent brands


Software and marketplace tools helping brands sell to global consumers, manage their wholesale business, source talent, and access capital


Access to exclusive content library featuring business guides, videos, and templates, plus invites to members-only webinars and workshops


Experience monthly online and in person mixers, dinners, co-working retreats, and interact with other brands using our digital community forum


An all-in-one platform to scale your sales revenue, operations, and team

The Folklore Shop

A consumer marketplace to sell your brand's products to customers in over 200 countries and during in-person pop up shops

The Folklore Connect

A simple way for brands to create a digital wholesale storefront, connect with retailers, and manage wholesale logistics

The Folklore Source

A vetted freelancer and manufacturing marketplace for brands to discover, book, and communicate with service providers

The Folklore Capital

A loan matchmaker for brands to compare and connect with PO financing and working capital providers


Gain the knowledge to grow your business to new heights

The Folklore Hub

A resource content library featuring business guides, videos, and downloadable templates.

Live Webinars

Monthly live webinars hosted by industry experts discussing key business trends and practices.


Expand your tribe through private community events & digital forums

Exclusive Events

Attend monthly online and in person community mixers, dinners, co-working retreats, and panels.

Digital Forum

Our private WhatsApp group to meet new people, share resources, and participate in engaging discussions.

Trusted by global retail partners

Marketplace for Retailers

Everything you need to discover and shop diverse and global brands

Discover Talent

A virtual passport to explore collections from a diverse group of global brands from Africa, South America, Asia, North America, and Europe without leaving your desk.

Seamless Ordering

A transparent and straightforward wholesale ordering process where you simply browse products, add them to cart, and check out with free global shipping.

Easy Payment

A card processing system that provides a quick and secure method of payment and avoids costly fund transfers.

As featured in

Join The Folklore

The Folklore is always looking for new brands, retailers, and service providers to join our membership community.
