Inside The Folklore’s First Co-Working Retreat in Lagos

Inside The Folklore’s First Co-Working Retreat in Lagos


The Folklore’s first co-working retreat in Lagos, Nigeria, brought together a vibrant community of African designers and industry leaders for an inspiring day of collaboration and conversations.

Hosted at the design-focused venue 16/16 in the heart of Victoria Island, the retreat provided a private and intimate setting for deep discussions and meaningful connections.

The event centered around the theme “Creativity vs. Commercialization,” sparking dynamic discussions on how to balance artistic vision with business sustainability. Attendees explored strategies for navigating this complex landscape, gaining valuable tools to help their brands grow purposefully.

The goal of The Folklore’s retreat was to empower our valued community of Nigerian fashion brands with the knowledge and tools to elevate their creative visions and achieve commercial success. The day was packed with insights from industry experts on understanding their ideal customers, designing with a target market in mind, and crafting production strategies aligned with business goals.

Renowned industry experts Rukky Ladoja, the creative director of the artisanal Nigerian brand Dye Lab, and Morenikeji Edward-Ettu, a garment production consultant, shared their extensive expertise with the group. Their sessions provided practical advice and inspiration, helping attendees bridge the gap between creativity and commercialization.

The retreat attracted notable designers and creative directors, including Frank Aghuno of Fruché, Omafume Niemogha of Pepper Row, Desirée Iyama, and Oyindamola Aleshinloye of KADIJU. These industry professionals had the opportunity to dive into a world of creative possibilities and connect with local peers for a day of focused learning and collaboration.

This retreat is a glimpse of what The Folklore is building. We are more than just a platform; we are a comprehensive ecosystem designed to support our brands every step of the way. This exclusive event is one of the many resources and opportunities tailored to elevate growing brands that members can access with a subscription to The Folklore.

As part of the new and improved The Folklore, this retreat marks the beginning of many more initiatives aimed at fostering collaboration, learning, and growth within our community. We are committed to providing continuous support and opportunities for African designers to thrive in the fashion industry. 


Gallery: The Folklore Co-Working Retreat in Lagos



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